
O Mundo

O mundo
Um homem da aldeia de Negua; no litoral da Colômbia, conseguiu subir aos céus. Quando voltou, contou. Disse que tinha contemplado, lá do alto, a vida
humana. E disse que somos um mar de fogueirinhas.
— O mundo é isso — revelou — Um montão de gente, um mar de
Cada pessoa brilha com luz própria entre todas as outras. Não existem duas fogueiras iguais. Existem fogueiras grandes e fogueiras pequenas e fogueiras
de todas as cores. Existe gente de fogo sereno, que nem percebe o vento, e gente de fogo louco, que enche o ar de chispas. Alguns fogos, fogos bobos, não alumiam nem
queimam; mas outros incendeiam a vida com tamanha vontade que é impossível olhar para eles sem pestanejar, e quem chegar perto pega fogo.
Eduardo Galeano.

A friend of mine posted this on his Facebook. I loved it and wanted you to read it. 




We have bigger houses but smaller families,
more conveniences, but less time,
we have more degrees, but less sense,
more knowledge, but less judgement,
more experts, but more problems....
We have been all the way to be the moon and back,
but we have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbour.
We built more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but less comunication.
We have become long in quantity, but short quality.
These are times of fast food but slow digestion,
tall mans but short caracter.
Steep profits but shallow relationships.
It is a time when there is much in the window, but nothing in the room.

H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama

that little quote you pasted from your friends status reminded me of this one. i think it is all true.
but as i told you before. i dont believe in changing the world. quoting another wise man:

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
it's been a while i visited this space.. i am sorry.
the winter has arrived finally. the snow covered everything, the canals are frozen and of course the trains don't ride (:P)
i guess my head lately has been quite busy with ups and downs. i always struggle to keep my head focused on the present and not wander in the possibilities of the future.

i just wanted to say i am here. listening.



The World is going wrong

He Jo,

A friend of mine posted this sentence on her Facebook wall: Objects are made to be used and people are made to be loved. The World is going wrong, because people are being used and objects are being loved.

In the majority of the situations she is sadly right :(


Originality in 2011

Hey Jo.
I wanted to share this picture with you.
I think it's beautiful.

This Canadian photographer Michael Chrisman used a pinhole camera fitted with photosensitive paper to make a 365-day exposure of the Toronto skyline from Jan. 1, 2011, to Dec. 31, 2011.

You can read more about it on http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1109339--year-long-exposure-of-toronto-skyline-produces-dreamy-image#.TwGNKvyZ4aA.facebook
