
Positive thinking

When I left Holland more than a year ago I thought the world was lost.
Lost because I saw so many unhappy people.
Lost because I saw people treating each other in such an ugly way.

Now a year later I do believe that there is hope.
I meet so many people who do things different.
Who live there lives and are capable of truly loving each other.

I do not believe that the world will change over night.
And I do not believe that it will happen in a specific year.
But I do believe that the world is changing more drastically and rapidly than it changes normally.

You are a positive person.
You believe in love as a cure for a bleeding world.
And you believe that your positive actions have impact on how the world turns.

And your right.

We all have a part in how things go.
We should all treat each other with the same respect we have for our selves.
And then the world would change to a much nicer place.

I love you.

P.s: You say I'm a positive person... and I have to say that I just truly believe that positive thinking and love is the solution to everything. I know that the way I think for some people is delusional or dreamy. But I don't care because it works for me :)

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